YOUNG & THE RESTLESS EP. #9596. When You Dance With the Devil…

Todays episode had people making bad decisions; some for the right reasons and some for bad ones. We had Adam selling his soul to his Dad and Michael putting unethical blinders on, yet again. As far as Neils bad decision, well that happened 2 episodes before when he decided chose to once again have sex with his brothers woman.

Adam is doing what he thinks is the right thing, but really it only will add fuel to the fire for Nick to keep Faith away from Sharon.  Abby & Victoria both felt that ramifications of their actions by being hounded by the press or running into someone who had been laid off by their actions. (While I do feel it was only contrived and used as the writers plight to make Victor’s potential victory palatable.)

I have no idea how this will turn  out, I am looking forward to the coming week to see how it plays out. I really hope Sharon will interupt the procedings, and take Adam aside and convince him to walk away. (That would be top on my wishlist)

Until then, Genoa City will reamin populated with some of the best character in television.

Les S.

An off day in Genoa City, one of the most disappointing episode in last 28 years…

One year later…

I went to BayState for my 1 year check up since my ‘Pulmonary embolism’ event. The Dr. went over the results of some tests, and while there is still no ‘official’ reason as to why it happened, I at least know that I am now in very good health. The whole ‘almost dying’ thing really makes you stop and think and reevaluate your life. This past year I changed my eating habits and have dropped 91 pounds so far! It hasn’t been how much I ate, but what I ate. 

Les S.